At Lighthouse Memorial Church, we know that Christian relationships are essential for spiritual growth. That is why we have several groups that meet on a regular basis. Our groups offer fellowship, devotion, encouragement as well as a good time and great food.
Wherefore comfort
yourselves together,
and edify
one another,
even as also ye do.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Ladies Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study is a great way for women of all ages to grow in the word of God and encourage others in their walk with Christ. We understand that women face many challenges in their day to day lives and need spiritual rest. We want women to find peace and comfort in their daily walk by studying the truth of the Bible.
Ladies Bible Study meets twice monthly. For more details see Cindy Keller.
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Men’s Prayer Breakfast combines food and fellowship. We get together once a month and encourage each other and have devotion. We pray for the needs of our church as well as the needs of our community, this great country and the world. This time of fellowship is followed by breakfast.
Join us for this uplifting time together. You will leave feeling revitalized and blessed.
Our Lamplighter group is for men and women 50 and older. We meet once a month for devotion, food and fellowship. We offer fellowship and spiritual growth through social interaction and support.
For more information regarding Lamplighters contact Floyd Hart